Thursday 2 June 2011

List Of Staff & Extention Numbers & Email Addresses

Administrator/ DOC.............................ext 227...........Karen Bolger

Office/RSSW.......................................ext 221............Kim Bolger

Activities Manager...............................ext 221...........Colleen Crichton

Food Service & Nutrition Manager.....ext 221............Shannon Holmes
Environmental Services Manager

Charge Nurse......................................ext 222............Nurse on Duty 

Nursing Home Central Desk...............ext 223.............Floor Staff
RAI/MDS, Client Care Manager .........ext 225............Sarah Favrin

CQI Manager.......................................ext 225............Nancy Darling

Maintenance.......................................ext 226............Bill Whalen

All You'll Need To Know...If You Choose Morriston Park As Your Home


The staff and management at Morriston Park will endeavour to make admission day a gentle and comfortable transition for the new resident, family members and friends.  We understand that moving into a Long Term Care Facility can be a very emotional and difficult task.

The following orientation and procedure will take place:

§  A short tour of the facility
§  Introduction to staff and roommate(s)
§  Admission forms filled out and signed
§  Orientation to room
§  Dietary information
§  Family history
§  Orientation to dining room

A physical assessment will be completed when it is convenient to the resident.  Usually this assessment is done at bedtime.

The Assessment includes:

§  Skin condition
§  Blood pressure
§  Pulse rate
§  Respirations
§  Weight

Use of Morriston Park Equipment

Morriston Park owns a variety of special needs equipment.  The use of this equipment is available to all residents.  Some residents own their own equipment, and in some cases it is recommended and more beneficial to the resident.

A resident’s personal equipment is labelled with their name and only used for that resident.

Resident’s Clothing

Every resident at Morriston Park is an individual with personal likes and dislikes. In some cases, because of physical limitations, adaptable clothing may be required.  We recommend that each resident have a minimum of 3 for each and every article of clothing and that all clothing be washable.  The general rule of thumb is one in the wash, one in the drawer and one on the resident.

The Clothing should be comfortable, loose fitting (no tight waistbands), easy to put on and remove.  If it is not labelled with the resident’s name, Morriston Park will label it.

The home supplies basic toiletries, but if you would like to bring in personal toiletries, please ensure that they are clearer labelled. 


Morriston Park has 28 licensed beds, all on one floor in one wing.  There are four ward rooms (4 beds per room), five semi-private room (2 beds per room) and two private rooms.  Morriston Park has a Comfort Care room as well.

  • All room rates are determined by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Every room is equipped with:

§  Bed with safety rails
§  Bedside tables
§  Overhead lights
§  Nurse Call bells
§  Individual closets
§  Washroom

Residents may bring their own furnishings.  The furnishings must be agreed upon and approved by administration.

Residents are encouraged to bring pictures, plants, and memorabilia.  Personal comforters, afghans and quilts add to the decor and enable the residents to personalize their room.

The Comfort Care Room is occupied when a resident has a contagious disease or when a resident is extremely ill and requires close supervision.  This room is  close to the nursing station and provides the resident, resident’s family and friends with privacy and a tranquil atmosphere.

Uninsured Services

Ward accommodation                                   Rate set by MOHLTC (may be  subsidized based on income) **

Private accommodation                                Rate set by MOHLTC **

Semi-Private accommodation                        Rate set by MOHLTC **

*Hairdressing                                                    At Cost (Billed separately by provider)

*Admission fees on outings                             At Cost

*Meals outside facility                                     At Cost

*Transportation                                               Rate set by transportation company

*Dental services                                              At Cost (Billed separately by provider)

*Foot care services                                         At Cost (Billed separately by provider)

Pharmacy related costs                                 At Cost (Billed separately by provider)

* T.V. & Telephone                                                           At Cost (Billed separately by provider)

* These are optional services, which you can decline and/or decide on a private provider

**Please note that Ministry rates are set and applied across the province at set intervals- please see resident information
board for current rates

Services Available

Recreation and Leisure Services:

Organized programs are available to provide age appropriate recreation, leisure and educational opportunities to the resident.  These activities are based on and responsive to the abilities, strengths, needs, interests and former lifestyle of the individual. 

Arrangements are made to access available Social Work Services to meet the resident’s psychosocial needs.

§  Spiritual Care Program is available to respond to the spiritual needs and interests of residents.  Church service is held every Wednesday afternoon for the residents who wish to attend.  The services are led by ministers from Morriston and Duff’s church.
§  Therapy Services can be arranged when the need for such services arises.
§  Dental Services are arranged according to the needs of the residents.
§  Volunteer Services

Medical Services:

The attending resident physician is Dr. L. Holland.  Diagnostic, therapeutic, regular attending visits, 24 hour on call service, admission and annual reassessments, infectious disease surveillance, quarterly medication and dietary review, discussion and communication
with residents/representatives, interdisciplinary communication and plan of care are a small sampling of the duties of the resident physician at Morriston Park.

Dietary Services:

Organized program of dietary services to respond to the resident’s nutritional needs and to
provide safe, delicious and attractively served meals.
Services Include:

§  Menu planning - 3 or 4 week rotating schedule
§  Menus changed winter & summer each year
§  Food production
§  Meal service
§  Dietary restrictions & special needs
§  Special occasion meals

Morriston Park has one Food Service Supervisor and three kitchen staff.  We also employ the services of a qualified Registered Dietician.

Other services:

§  Diagnostic Services are arranged with Canadian Medical Laboratories when ordered by the attending physician.
§  Pharmacy Services have been arranged. This service includes monitoring, delivery and in-services.
§  Environmental Services are provided to ensure a safe, healthy, clean environment for the residents, staff, and visitors.

            This service includes but is not limited to:
o    Waste management
o    Pest control
o    Water supply
o    Water temperature
o    Air quality & temperature
o    Scheduled housekeeping
o    Linen service
o    Laundry service
o    Regular maintenance of the interior & exterior of the building

§  Hairdressing/Barber Service is provided twice weekly by a qualified hairdresser.
§  Monitoring and evaluation of Care, Programs and Services is done on a regular basis by the Health Care Team.  This team is led by our Administrator/Director of Care.

Facility Routines

Visiting Hours:                           Visiting hours at Morriston Park are set at 12 a.m. to 8:00p.m. Mealtimes are not always a suitable time for the residents to have visitors, because we have such limited seating in our dining room.  At times, you may wish to come and help feed your loved one, or you may wish to have a special meal with your loved one.  Please see the Nurse to make special arrangements. 

Mealtimes:                  Breakfast:                                 Between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m.
Lunch:                                      Between 12 noon and 1 p.m.
Dinner:                                     Between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Snacks:                                    Served three times per day

Personal Care:            Morning and nightly routines are adhered to by all nursing staff.  The   
                                    resident is encouraged to participate in all aspects of their personal care.  This routine is done when getting up and at bedtime.

Bath and Shower:        A bath/shower day(s) will be assigned to each resident upon admission to the facility. All residents are offered two baths per week of their choice.  Each resident will be assessed and the time of the bath/shower. This can be adjusted based on the level of abilities of each resident with written consent.

Rest Time:                    Mid morning and mid afternoon, depending upon the requirements of each resident. Each family is provided a sleep/wake preference form upon admission. We allow for "natural waking" to occur whenever possible

Toileting:                      A toileting routine is assigned to every resident.  The resident receives assistance from the staff every two hours.  Incontinent residents are routinely changed every 2 hours.

Bedtime:                      Resident’s bedtimes are individual, with some starting as early as 6 p.m. and as late as 10:30 p.m.  Nursing rounds are done hourly and include a position change for the resident every 2 hours or as required.

Staff Routines:              There are a variety of shifts per department through the home.

Facility Policies

Resident abuse policy

Morriston Park Nursing Home is committed to providing the highest level of quality care that encompasses the dignity, respect and rights of the residents.  Therefore Morriston Park Nursing Home has adopted zero tolerance for any form of Resident Abuse.  Morriston Park orientates staff on the Resident Bill of Rights and takes appropriate measures to protect its residents from any abuse.  All staff seek to maintain the dignity of the resident.  Resident abuse whether physical, verbal, or psychological is intolerable.

Least/Minimal restraint

This facility believes in the philosophy of least restraint; thus restraints will only be used when
restraining under the common law duty pursuant to subsection 36 (1) of the Act when immediate action is necessary to prevent serious bodily harm to the person or others.

If you would like to review any copy of Morriston Park's Policies- Please see the Director of Care/Administrator.

Mandatory reporting

Reporting certain matters to Ministry of Health:

If Morriston Park has reasonable grounds to suspect that any of the following has occurred or may occur will l immediately report the suspicion and the information upon which it is based to the Director re:

Improper or incompetent treatment or care of a resident that resulted in harm or a risk of harm to the resident

Abuse of a resident by anyone or neglect of a resident by the licensee or staff that resulted in harm or a risk of harm to the resident

Unlawful conduct that resulted in harm or a risk of harm to a resident.

Misuse or misappropriation of a resident’s money.

Misuse or misappropriation of funding provided to a licensee under this Act or the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006. 2007, c. 8, ss. 24 (1), 195 (2

Please note- If at any time you would like to review our policies/procedures on these or other topics  listed above- please do not hesitate to ask administration

Personal Belongings

Furniture & Equipment

Residents may own their own wheelchair, lounge chair, rocking chair, walking aid (i.e. cane, walker).  All articles must be approved, labelled and used exclusively for that resident.  A resident may have their own T.V. with earphones if space permits. Please note we do not have cable because we are rurally situated.  We do have access to two satellites with 2 TV’s in 2 common areas.

Radio and C.D. Player

This equipment is allowed only if earphones are used. It is also preferable that residents 
with Televisions in their rooms use earphones as well.


A telephone is permissible.  The resident or representative must make their own arrangements with Bell Canada. Repairs and/or maintenance on telephones are the responsibility of the resident or representative.

Jewellery/Family Heirlooms

Please leave these possessions at home.  If these articles are lost or stolen Morriston Park cannot assume responsibility.


It is not necessary for the resident to have money in their possession. A small amount of money can be left with our program department for use of the "Tuck Shop"
Park cannot assume responsibility for lost or stolen money.

Dentures, Eye Glasses, Watches, Hearing Aids, Etc.

These must be labelled.  These articles are removed at bedtime, cleaned and stored in appropriate areas by staff.  Unfortunately, at times these items may become damaged or misplaced.  The repair and maintenance of these items is the responsibility of the resident or representative.


The purchase of appropriate clothing is the responsibility of the resident or representative. Morriston Park will label clothing to identify it. The washing and cleanliness of clothing is the responsibility of Morriston Park.

Activity Department

We has an Activity Director at Morriston Park Nursing Home. The following is a small example of her responsibilities:

§  Planning all activities e.g. games, Church services, crafts, etc.
§  Organizing and participating in outings.
§  Planning monthly themes.
§  Organizing volunteer help.
§  Organizing small and large group activities.
§  Charting - goals, assessing resident’s ability to participate in various activities, keeping progress notes, etc.
§  Attending and participating in multi-disciplinary meetings.

There are bulletin boards posted.  These boards inform residents, staff, and all visitors about the activities that will take place each month.   Weekly and monthly activities include but are not limited to:

o    Morning exercise class
o    Reading Club
o    Baking Class
o    Weekly Church Service
o    Organized crafts, sing-songs, birthday parties, etc.
o    Bingo, board games, card games, etc.
o    Assistance with letter writing and reading correspondence.

Morriston Park’s location is ideal for many outdoor activities. (Weather permitting)

o    Barbecues and afternoon tea take place on the patio.
o    Annual Strawberry Social.
o    Residents’ vegetable and herb garden.
o    Residents’ flower boxes.
o    Covered back deck for afternoon naps, tea, and socializing.
o    Bird feeders.
o    Wildlife, ducks, geese & Blue Harron inhabit the large pond.

Attending Physician:

Morriston Park’s attending Physician is Dr. Lind Holland.  She has been the attending Physician at Morriston Park for many years.  She has her own family practice in Dundas, and is easily accessible to Morriston Park.  New residents may keep their present Physician if that Physician is willing to meet the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Standards. (i.e. physical assessments every year, medication assessments every 4 months etc).  Most families and new residents prefer to switch to Dr. Holland for convenience, and regular communication, as we hold a 6 week conference with all new admissions to update on adjustments to LTC and any health issues etc.

Dr. Holland can be reached at:

1436 Brock Road
R.R. #4 Dundas Ont.
L9H 5E4 
Phone – 905-659-1663

How to raise concerns, obtain information or recommend changes:

There are several ways that a resident or family member can raise concerns, obtain more information or recommend changes.  One way for the residents to be heard is during our resident’s council meeting.  These meetings discussions will be documented in minutes and all issues, concerns, or recommendations from the residents will be formally documented.  Minutes will be provided to the Director of Care/Administrator in writing and will be answered within a specified time frame, including changes to be made or issues addressed.  As well, the 6 week family care conferences and annual care conferences are a great avenue to bring up questions and comments.  Families will also be sent an annual satisfaction survey.  We welcome all suggestions. As well, the information bard there are satisfaction questionnaires for families and/or residents to fill out whenever they feel the situation arises.  As well, family council is another great forum to bring up comments, suggestions and areas needing follow up.   Another way to raise concerns, obtain information, or recommend changes is to speak directly to the Director of Care/Administrator. 

Want to obtain information, have a complaint,  want to raise a concern or recommend a change? **Whistle-blowing protection Section 26 of the LTCH Act 2007**

Smoking at Morriston Park

Residents who enter the nursing home who smoke will be assessed by the charge staff and the Director of Care/Administrator as to his/her cognitive and physical ability to smoke.  If the Director of Care or the charge nurse feels it is unsafe, the resident will not be permitted to smoke. The resident will be assessed quarterly, or as needed to determine safety to his/herself and others.  All residents must be supervised while smoking.  All Residents will also be required to wear a protective apron during smoking as well.  There are designated staff members who will supervise residents as needed.  All cigarettes will be locked up in the medication room and handed out to residents as needed. The smoking bylaw permits smoking of residents, staff, and visitors within 10 meters of the building.

Exit alarms:

All doors at Morriston Park are equipped with exit alarms.  This is to monitor wandering residents.  Family members should read the signs located on all doors in order to disable the alarm.  When leaving the building, press 9 1 7 9 # on the key pad and wait for the green light to turn on.  You have approx 60 seconds to exit the building before the alarm will go off.  When entering the building, please press the red button before entering.

Fire Safety:


  • Close all doors in your area
  • Remain with the Residents
  • Follow Emergency Captains instructions                                                                       
  • Do not use the telephones
  • Stay calm


  • Remove all Residents from immediate danger and close the door behind you
  • Pull the fire alarm
  • Stay with Residents in a safe location
  • Wait for further instructions

Infection Control:

Please do not visit if you are sick.  Please wash your hands on entering and before leaving.  Please note as well, if we are experiencing a higher number of infections, we will post a stop sign at the door.  In some cases, we may have to close the facility to visitors, but this is always done only as a last resort and under the direction of The Public Health.